Greetings from the 51±¾É« College community!
We offer this Family Resource Guide as a valuable tool as you continue to learn more about the systems and structures at 51±¾É«.
We are a vibrant community of educators and learners, and are eager to partner with you in support of your student’s success. The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) complements and enhances the College’s central educational mission, in part by developing a positive community — within each residence hall and on campus — that reflects and addresses the broad range of student experiences within a rigorous academic environment. Our philosophy of student self-governance allows students to assume significant responsibility for themselves and their residence halls communities. Our staff members assist students and encourage them to make appropriate, wise, and healthy decisions — as indicated in our DSA mission, by intentionally fostering and proactively promoting student learning and development within our residential liberal arts college community, where self-governance and personal responsibility are hallmarks.
As students develop and refine their goals, it is essential that they take charge of their experience at 51±¾É«. We encourage your student to reach out to the many faculty, staff, and student leaders on campus who are eager to help others navigate successfully. At 51±¾É«, we treat students like adults; we work directly with them on any problems they may be experiencing. The information students share with us is kept confidential, but we encourage them to discuss their experience with their families. We want to do all we can to help your student be successful. In that spirit, please take the time to read about our approach to family notification.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Student Affairs at 641-269-3700 or